No one wants to put their loved one on hospice. Yet, hospice exists to fulfill that void we feel deep down within ourselves we have when caring for a loved one and we feel very alone. More importantly, hospice exists so you don’t feel abandoned during this dire time of need. Yes, your loved one needs you. Yes, you need to cook, clean, take care of finances, make sure your loved one’s needs are being met, while also at the same time try to keep track of your life.

    How can anyone do this? The first step is to realize you are not alone. We all get overwhelmed, and we all feel guilty we are not doing enough. What if’s start creeping into your daily life. That is what hospice is for. To give you and your loved one support to make sure you are not missing anything.  Hospice allows your loved ones to live longer, more comfortably and allow your doctors to offer treatment options that are not available to those patients not on hospice.

    This out of the box thinking approach allows healthcare teams to focus on keeping patients comfortable as the focus shifts to quality of life.  At Lenity Light Hospice of Texas, our primary goal is compassionate care, one patient at a time.  Visit our website to learn more about us and visit our blog to learn more from other caregivers, family members, nurses and doctors.

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